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Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Green hairstreaks, chalkhill blues and red admirals!

All types of butterfly that can be found along the Roman Road and Fleam Dyke to the north of the Abingtons! I went along to the AGM of the Friends of the RR and FD, which was in the convivial Six Bells at Fulbourn - nice pint of Southwold bitter. Must have been 70 people there. 
The Friends do a lot of work to map the wildlife in the area, and promote it and protect it - working with among others the County Council, Natural England etc.  One of the challenges is getting the balance right between the scrub and the chalk, in terms of environments. And of course the Roman Road is actually a roman road - and a good solid one too. I'm hoping to go out with the county team to see the conservation work they do first hand. 

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