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Monday, 8 February 2016

Whittlesford welcomes its newcomers!

Sunday afternoon saw all the village societies and clubs assemble in the village hall, together with the school, parish council, churches, playgroups etc etc to welcome people who have moved into the village in the past year.
Revd Caroline opened the proceedings by welcoming everyone , and the Millenium Group presented a cheque for £3,000 to the Lawn Trust to be spent on good works. Cake and sandwiches were unveiled and de-clingfilmed, tea was poured in great quantities, balloons and crayons dished out, and people got down to the serious business of - on the one hand, deciding what activities they might like to join in, and on the other, signing up as many of the newcomers as possible. Also gave longer established villagers running the various stalls a chance to catch up on all the latest news and goss. 
A great Whittlesford tradition - so much so that BBC Cambridgeshire wanted to know more about it as part of a radio piece they were running on healthy communities. Well, healthy and cake-eating communities.

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