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Tuesday, 2 February 2016

A flick of a switch

The lighting at Welchs transport depot along the A505 has been the subject of complaints from residents of Whittlesford living in Knights Orchard, whose bedrooms overlook the road. 
Although the planning application to build the depot was opposed locally - I was chair of the parish council at the time and we opposed it - it is there and is a source of local employment and we have to work with the owners - who had a good relationship with Shelford when the firm operated out of a much tighter site.
I wrote to Jim Welch about the illuminated roundel on the side of the depot and he came back straight away to say he would agree to put a switch on that one and it is now going off at 7pm. See pic. The rest of the lighting at the front of the depot isn't so directly visible from houses on the other side of the road.

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