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Friday, 25 April 2014

broadband - why it really really matters

The humble green junction box - unnoticed on many a street corner in the villages across Cambridgeshire. But these are the vital links in bringing superfast broadband to our benighted lives, so that we can join the 21st century. 
Seriously, I was at a seminar last week where the scale and ambition of the digital revolution was being set out. So many services will depend on access to proper braodband that this is fast becoming an essential as much as water and electricity. 
Our villages are having the upgrades so that SFBB can be rolled out by BT later this year. I'm hoping to get to the County Council briefing for broadband champions later this week to be able to report more. But it is happening, and if you see people in hi-viz jackets tinkering with the insides of these modest little pieces of street furniture, you know that it won't be too long now. 

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