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Monday, 30 December 2013

Cycle way work starts - Wandlebury to Babraham

The cycle way work planned by the County for hereabouts begins with construction of the phase from Wandlebury Country Park to Babraham Research Campus on 20 January. This will take the cycle way to Copley Hill Business Park and will take up to 12 weeks to complete.

To allow for the second phase to be built from Copley Hill to Babraham Research Campus some BT poles need to be relocated. Once this is done the next phase will be completed.

I am working with people keen to ensure the new cycle way also allows riders access to the Roman Way bridle path. This isn't straightforward because these are major roads and you wouldn't want to mix fast moving traffic, horses and so on, but the county project team have been willing to do what they can.

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