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Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Thriplow Solar Farm - 60 acres

Attended public meeting of Thriplow Parish Council, where people were asking a lot of questions about the proposed solar farm to the east of the village, near the path to Whittlesford and, because of the scale of it, towards Heathfield too. 
A lot of complaints that at the community consultation event there was no one available from the developers to answer technical questions. 
As a result, the parish council concluded that without this information, it could not support the planning application. It will be asking for more time from the planning department at South Cambs and I will be asking the planners this morning that they grew to that request. 
Most of the opposition to the proposal was because of its scale. A good discussion with people attending who had done their homework. 
A long PC meeting, which finished at 10.30 and more! 

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