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Saturday 11 December 2010

Welcome to Whittlesford's "new villagers" at Duxford Chapel

A welcome break in the weather co-incided with the Whittlesford Society's welcome to the "new villagers" in the two small developments off the south side of Station Road (Knight's Orchard and The Moraine) plus the people who have lived in the existing houses between Station Road and the A505 and who now find themselves officially part of Whittlesford.
A good turn-out, at the ancient Duxford Chapel just next to the Red Lion Hotel.
While the assembled Whittlesfordians - old and new - sipped wine and munched on Christmas cake, there was a brief exposition on the history of the Chapel, and then Robert James, WhitSoc president, made a presentation to Whittlesford Parish Clerk Ian Skellern (pictured right) for all his hard work in driving through the amendment to the parish boundary. It has taken a long time, and several meetings with the district council's boundary committee, and legal officers, and a submission to the Boundaries Commission, for all this to happen, so well deserved thanks to Ian.

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