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Monday 13 December 2010

land west of Moorfield Road

Here's what the planning inspectors appointed to review South Cambs site specific planning policy said about the land along the A505 to the west of Moorfield Road:

27.12 Land at Whittlesford Bridge, just north of the bypass, is open, and forms a continuation of the large open area to the west. The site east of Moorfield Road, included in the Development Framework by the Inspector who considered objections to the South Cambridgeshire Local Plan, has housing on 3 sides as well as the bypass to the south. This is not true of land west of Moorfield Road, which land should not be included in the Development Framework.

So it will be interesting to see what happens to the planning application for change of use from agricultural to office acccommodation of some barns along the A505. Thin end of the wedge, say some. I've asked the planning officers to bear this report in mind, and let me know their thoughts.

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