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Friday, 8 May 2015

Post election ponder

At South Cambs Council they are stacking away the ballot boxes and all the rest of the paraphanalia needed to administer a General Election. And as always they did a cracking job not only over the last 24 hours but over the preceding weeks too.

 In line with the national result, at district council level (there was no county election this year) Conservatives increased their majority by winning a further 3 wards. Heidi Allen was at the local count  too, looking purposeful after her resounding win as the new South Cambridgeshire MP, and surprisingly fresh after no sleep and her attempt yesterday to visit all 76 polling stations in her new constituency during voting hours! 

But as the ballot boxes are wheeled away, the fiscal situation remains unchanged - our local authorities face huge budgetary challenges, residents rightly demand the services for which they pay their council taxes, and Cambridgeshire and its villages are wrestling with the impact of continuing booming economic growth - bringing prosperity but also putting a strain on our infrastructure - houses, schools, roads. I was at Fowlmere on Tuesday, I'm at Whittlesford this evening. 

Whether you had cake and champagne or tasted the bitter cup of defeat, now its back to local matters. 

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