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Wednesday, 4 March 2015

We miss our little roadsweeping engines!

Whittlesford Parish has been trying to get the roadsides swept as spring comes along - as well as wanting to do a village litterpick. Sweeping the mud and leaves from the gutters is a district council job and usually a little van with brushes sticking out from under it trundles round the village doing this job very effectively a couple of times a year.
Having made enquiries, the problem the district have is that the drivers of the little vans are also useful if there is a shortage of drivers for the refuse lorries, and at the moment there is. Its a bit like the Railway books where the Fat Controller asks Thomas to pull the mainline passenger train instead of Gordon the big engine etc etc.

So we are hoping that after their excursion into the brave world of the big bin collecting lorries the drivers of our little engines will be back and tidying up the streets of Whittlesford, for which they are much appreciated.

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