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Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Cambridge's University Technical College takes shape

Went to the 2nd governor's meeting of the new Utc that will open in Cambridge next to Addenbrookes in the autumn. 

Heard about the recruitment of the teaching staff, enrolment applications of young people wanting to pursue studies in technical subjects, putting together the curriculum and pulling together all the policies needed to launch a new educational establishment. One issue is the transport costs for the year intake. 

With the Babraham Institute and the Hinxton Wellcome site in our part of Cambridgeshire this college will provide an education for young people wanting to go into the bio-medi-tech sector. 

And the building is coming together too!

Then because I have to be out on the other side of London for early meetings tomorrow, I caught the train to and thru London this evening to try to avoid the worst of the wretched Tube strike. Tedious. 

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