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Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Cereals event update

I've been speaking to the organisers of the big cereals event at Chrishall which takes place on 10 and 11 June. Parish councils dont appear to have been consulted by the county about the traffic arrangements. The organisers are trying to make sure there are not lots of cars trying to turn onto the A505, and especially making right turns across traffic, as that is an accident wating to happen.
The problem for Fowlmere and Ickleton is that this means routing traffic through and near them, especially Fowlmere where the traffic comes off the A505, into the village, goes along the High Street, down Long Lane and then off to the A10.
I have asked the county council officers if they will explain matters to interested parish councils, and the organisers have said they will meet parishes too, and distribute flyers along the routes.
It would, however, have been better if the traffic thinking had involved local people at an earlier stage rather than just telling them their village will be blocked up with through traffic.
Though it is only for two days, and comparable to the inconvenience of when the Duxford air shows are on, I suppose. And Cambridgeshire is still a rural county and agriculture is part of our economy.

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