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Wednesday, 17 July 2013

31 bus to Fowlmere

The bus company that provides the 31 service that covers Fowlmere is handing back the contract and will run their last bus on 31 August. I spoke to the County this morning after discussion at Fowlmere  PC last night.
HOWEVER the County has already put out the contract to other local bus companies for the same bus service, with bids due this week, including to the bus company that now runs Whittlesford service reliably and with good customer service - i was on it  this morning.
I'll keep in contact on this until we know that a new contract has been let. 

1 comment:

John Wakefield said...

The No 31 service was taken over by Whippet Coaches on the 2nd September.The contract lasts till May 2014 & will operate over the same route & timetable as previous.
We look forward to a more reliable bus service with the new operator and user friendly low floor buses