Whittlesford Parish Council in full flow last evening including discussion under planning matters of the proposals to build 16 houses at the Granta Processors site at the end of Mill Lane adjacent to William Westley School.
The planning application is an outline one and therefore contains very little detail - there is no developer for the site as yet, for example. This is something to monitor as this tends to mean that having secured outline approval, the planning officers at south cambs will then deal with the detailed application when it comes in.
Discussion of the application was general rather than detailed although we did query the assertion that there was provision at the school for this potentially sizeable increase in pupils. We need to talk to the school and take their view.
The parish council is in principle supportive of the application, because it will remove a steady flow of large lorries from the vicinity of the school, and offers the chance for some 4-6 affordable houses at the centre of the village. We want the district council to work with local housing charity Nicholas Swallow in this respect to ensure local people get a good
Chance of securing the homes.
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