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Saturday, 20 April 2013

where's tha bin?

No, nothing to do with rubbish collections, but the fact that last week I was in Leeds looking at a programme to replace the NHS's "choose and book" appointments system.
Every now and then I have to work away. So it is right to ask - will I have time, if elected, to be a county councillor?
I believe that playing an active role in local government should be just as much for working people as those who are retired or those with time on their hands. Modern communications meant that last week I was able to check my council e-mails and chase progress, even though I was hundreds of miles away in God's Own County.
So in reply to the question: do I have time - I will make the time, because I want to put something back into my community, and also because I enjoy it.
If needs be, I will reduce the hours that I work, to enable me to put more into local issues. I hope this answer is enough, but only you can decide that.

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