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Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Ickleton and Babraham - roads as rat-runs, roads unmaintained, roads you can't get onto...

In the beautiful villages of Ickleton and Babraham this afternoon, where the consistent issue was the speed and press of traffic using narrow village streets as rat-runs, either to get to Sawston industrial area in the case of Babaraham or to shave some time off an M11/A11 journey by jinxing through Ickleton via Frogge Street.

The road surfaces themselves are not brilliant, and Babraham has real issues with the busy roads surrounding it that make it difficult to get onto or turn off from, especially the A1307, but the main point was the speed of the cars and vans trying to get through these villages, oblivious to polite speed signs. More robust traffic calming and re-routing of HGVs seems to be what is needed.

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