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Thursday, 4 August 2011

moorfield road, junction of A505 (again)

The enforcement team at South Cambs has visited this site at the border of Whittlesford and Duxford twice now and checked with the neighbours on what it is that is going on.
I took calls yesterday evening about two vans trying to gain access to the site yesterday morning - so I called the enforcement team again, and I followed up by visiting people nearby today.
The enforcement team (bless them) happened to be on the A505 yesterday when all this malarky was going on. So they pulled in and spoke to the people accessing the land. It may be that, in order to prevent any form of unlawful occupation, the lawyers need to be mobilised and an injunction sought. Not easy, and a lot of hassle, but maybe necessary.
I'll also get a briefing from the planning officers on the bigger picture.

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