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Friday 21 January 2011

Whittlesford Social Club - application for licence extension withdrawn

Went along to the well-attended meeting last Friday
night at the Village Hall where about sixty people
turned up to ask questions about the licence extension put in by the village social club. The extension would in effect allow drinking outside the building, in what is currently the tarmac covered courtyard (left) but which now has planning permission for a different - and arguably more attractive covering, lending to a greater level of outside socializing in the summer months.
The meeting hear a lot of concern about noise levels, swearing, inconsiderate car parking on the High Street and late hours voiced by people living nearby. On the other hand, a village amenity that has been there a long time and clearly serves a need given its membership numbers.
After a while, an agreement put forward by the social club to with draw the application and try to work with people to build a better relationship. I support this - clearly given the level of concern if something isn't worked out they may well lose the whole licence.
I spoke to the licence team at South Cambs today who confirmed this application had been withdrawn and who are meeting the social club management team next week to give some guidance.

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