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Wednesday 5 January 2011

Neighbourhood policing forum update

A brisk meeting on a cold January night.

Locally, the Sawston-based police led by Inspector Savage that cover this patch of Cambridgeshire including Whittlesford, Thriplow and Heathfield have focused on traffic, speeding and parking issues, and on bogus traders, in recent months.

The police have visited Station Road Whittlesford on a regular basis and issued a number of warnings and parking tickets. Their focus is the commuters who chance parking on Station Road, though they have also got the message across to the builders (who are less in evidence now the two developments are almost completed.)

Incidents in Whittlesford and Thriplow are below those recorded during the same period last year and crime such as burglary is down across the sub-district.

They haven't found too many bogus traders, though the meeting heard reports of a scam whereby householders are offered a gutter-cleaning service at a very reasonable price, the trick being that the cleaners then surreptiously and quietly damage the guttering in the process of cleaning, say that they have spotted a problem and then offer to repair it at what quickly becomes a very unreasonable price.

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