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Friday 31 December 2010

planning advice

This past year has seen completion of a number of major building developments in the village of Whittlesford - the Holiday Inn Express franchise at the the Red Lion Hotel at Whittlesford Bridge (right pic), which seems to be doing very well in terms of bookings, and the two roads on the south of Station Road - Knights Walk (left pic) and The Moraine - which are more or less complete. As well as extensions and new houses on a residential level.
It is always a balance between development and preserving the reason for people living in a village in the first place. I think we are getting it right.
I was talking to the planning people at South Cambs about the increase in planning appeals to the planning inspectors. They reckoned that as property prices were still flat, people were thinking more about extensions than moving, and inevitably if the planning application is turned down then there isn't much to lose by putting in an appeal.
The best advice I give is that (a) it is the job of the architect to work with the planners at the district council - that is what he or she is paid to do - not leave it up to the householder and (b) getting the parish council to be supportive - by turning up at the parish council meeting where the application is considered - helps considerably. Although the parish council view is not binding on the planners at the district council, it does have to be taken into account, and will often result in the application being considered by the planning committee - at which the applicant gets the chance to put their case in person.

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