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Friday 26 November 2010

Brrr - hope its not another cold winter for the elderly!

Dropped in to see Nicky, the very hard-working "warden" at the sheltered housing in Lettice Martin Croft in Whittlesford this afternoon.

As the winter starts to bite some of the elderly people in the houses there are feeling the chill - even though two years back we arranged for all the roof cavities to be insulated and for all the electrical controls and thermostats to be checked.

Anyway, because of the design of some of the accommodation, the heating isnt brilliant, and I was asked to make some enquiries if any more could be done. The council have sent out an assessor to take temperatures and assess the current heating arrangements, and the next step will be to see what additional or replacement heating can be put in place. It ain't fun being cold and old.

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