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Monday 4 October 2010

Police keep up the pressure on illegal parking on Station Road

Went along to the Neighbourhood Police Panel meeting at Sawston this evening. A good turn-out, and reports from the police led by Insp Savage of drops in recorded crime across the patch, which is encouraging, though car thefts in Whittlesford in May in the High Street didn't help locally. Some rogue traders reported in Hinxton, some lorry parking problems and a few thefts from cars during day-time.

Police issued 21 tickets on Station Road, Whittlesford, during the period, which is a lot - no wonder there are few white vans parked up along there!
Also found out that if a building site is insecure - leaving ladders etc lying around, which might come in handy for some opportune house-breaker, the district council can take action as the site would be breaching the conditions laid down when planning permission granted.

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