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Friday, 28 May 2010

Knights Walk and affordable homes for Whittlesford families

The development at Knights Walk, off Station Road, Whittlesford, is now shaping up - two families have moved in already, presumably to houses further down which are more finished than these! Some of the properties are very presentable affordable housing, and are being advertised in the HomeLink magazine. I have this week asked the allocation officers to take into account the long periods of time some families in the village have been waiting to secure affordable housing, and pressed their case as hard as I can. As the houses are offered across South Cambs this means that other people can apply who may have more "points".

I have also asked he district council officers about the numbers of people on the waiting list for homes, who live in Whittlesford. I've also asked the Cambridge Housing Association if they could put a lick of paint on one or two of the fences of their properties in Maynards.

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