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Monday, 5 December 2016

Thriplow bids to make the A505 safer

Over the past few months I have been working with Thriplow Parish Council to try to put in a coherent bid to the County Council to make the junction at Gravel Pit Road and the A505 safer. This bid is going in to the County Minor Highways Improvement Scheme process, and we have had two meetings with highways officers and a site visit.

The problem is that at this point along the A505 traffic is either coming in from a long curve from the west or picking up speed after leaving behind the Duxford IWM in the east, Vehicles wanting to take a turn into the road either to reach Thriplow or Newton or use the excellent recycling facilities just on the corner there have to slow down and often stop waiting for a break in the traffic. The road lanes are very narrow and it is with some trepidation that people sit there while lorries judder past.
The road signs are poor and there just isn't enough warning that this junction is coming up.
Good luck to all parish councils putting in bids to the county this year - the deadline was last week and the panel meets in the New Year. Whether it's a centre of a village idea or a major road safety approach such as this one, they all demonstrate how hard parish councils work to try to keep our roads and our villages safe for all users - on foot, on bike and by car. 

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