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Thursday, 8 December 2016

Northstowe affordable homes breakthrough

Affordable housing was one of my priorities on taking over as South Cambs leader six months ago. Today saw COuncillors on our Planning Committee agree that half of the properties built in the 3,500-home second phase of the new town of Northstowe will be sold or rented at lower than market rates. Overall, the agreement between the Council and the HCA will see £73million invested in community facilities at Northstowe. The original proposal for affordable housing would have seen 20 per cent Affordable Homes built during the second phase of the town. The new agreement is for 40 per cent Starter Homes and 10 per cent Affordable Rented Homes. The government announced the Starter Homes initiative earlier this year which would give first time buyers aged between 23 and 40 at least 20 per cent discount on the market price of a home. The maximum cost of the property after discount would also not exceed £250,000. The rest of the developer agreement for the second phase of the town remains unchanged with a £73 million investment in community facilities including; the town centre facilities, two primary schools and over £10 million toward the secondaryg school being built alongside the first homes.

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