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Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Whittlesford to keep scrapyard money

Not every planning application for housing meets with general approval, but the scrapyard at the end of Station Road in Whittlesford has long been an issue for local residents. Even though the business has gone very quiet recently it has in the past been subject of a lot of complaints because of the traffic going there and the allegedly unsafe loads, and the noise generated by the scrapping process itself.
Now a proposals has come forward to build on the site. There are a lot of houses and flats involved and the site itself will take a lot of cleaning up. 
I am very pleased that the application now has a play area in it - we pushed hard for that.
The key thing now is what happens to the money that the developers pay over to the county council to pay for the additional early years nursery provision generated by the new families moving in to the area. I have pushed the county very hard to make sure that money comes to Whittlesford and does not go over to existing schemes at Sawston - it would be unsustainable for children to have to be driven over to Sawston for their pre-school when Whitsers could take on this extra  demand if it could have the money.
I have had several meetings with the county and the district planners on this, and with William Westley School and the parish council and of course Whitsers and we seem to have found a way forward.
Tomorrow morning I will be asking the district council planning committee to ensorse this approach.
Money from a Whittlesford development should be used for the benefit of Whittlesford families and children!

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