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Friday 6 November 2015

good traffic meeting (but no beer) at the Bees in the Wall!

The Bees in the Wall provided a big tables and plenty of coffee to enable a meeting called by Whittlesford Parish with local farmers, the police from Sawston, and the highways engineer from the County Council to talk about local access on key roads in the village that had parking problems. So no surprises that much of the discussion was around Royston and Station Road, but later took in Newton Road too. 
The farmer's problem is that they cannot access the fields because of all the parked cars. And the residents are also fed up with the scale of the parking near the train station, which has increased as Whittlesford station has become more attractive given the fast times down to London. 
The police where there to advise on enforcability issues, and the highways on what the county would do to support, given that the roads are county property and they decide the parking regulations.
Much of the discussion was about whether a change in what was there now, ie the current chicane of parked cars intended to slow traffic, would be better, including a strict no parking on one isde of the road to allow a clear access and reduce parking. One of the points coming out of all this was the need to talk to the railway company and also to consult the residents in terms of what people would support. For Newton Road, the question was whether the bollards installed a few years back actually served much purpose, especially as they impeded farm traffic. 
Further discussion at the parish council next week.

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