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Monday 14 September 2015

streetlighting dimming - the lights are going out across Cambridge - we shall not see them lit again...

As part of the savings that the County Council is looking to make to balance its books, dimming or turning off street lights is being considered. 
There appears to be no evidence that street lights being dimmed leads to an outbreak of burglaries, though I'm sure that well lit areas help to make people feel safer and less vulnerable.
The good news for small villages is that the lights on our streets are not linked up to the masterswitch somewhere in a bunker under Castle Hill. So dimming or switching off our lights isn't that easy and therefore we may not be affected. Pampisford may be however as that village is near Sawston which is connected to the grid.
Finally, although there has been much raging against the inadequacies of Balfour Beatty we actually got a good level of service when they did our installation over last winter. I think this was in part because we had an early meeting with them and all the parish councils so they knew we were interested and we were able to get a head start in reviewing their plans and comparing hem with local knowledge. For example, that is why the plan to move a lamppost at Butts Green at Whittlesford was stopped - because it was just where the sheltered housing residents walked to get across to the recreation ground, bus stop, village hall and local amenities. And why this careless siting of a new light in a tree was picked up in Ickleton.

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