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Tuesday 15 September 2015

it was ten by the village clock...

Not exactly Paul Revere's ride, but getting round three parish councils last evening, all with different and pressing business to attend to. But the Little Abington rider logo - which is where I finished - seems appropriate. First off was Thriplow, where the planning application from Vetspeed for the new waste to energy plant was discussed, and where there are questions about the science and risks associated with the new methods, including the pollution impact on residents. Travellers and how to protect public space from unlawful entry was also on the agenda with me, plus the need to improve safety on the A505. 
Next to  Hinxton, where there are plans to build a agri-tech hub on land to the north of the village, on what would have been the Hanley Grange development that was seen off in 2008-09 (see blog passim). Generally positive on that. Less positive about the Hinxton ford gates keep being locked by the county.
Finally to Little Abington, where the PC was having a video-conference using Skype as people where away. They were quorate tho. Traffic and congestion issues, and a request to involve the county's land and rights mapping team in a local issue over access to footpaths. 
And then at ten o'clock set off back home past the Fourwentways roundabout, where the lorries seem to be encroaching out of the park-up area and onto the slip-roads - so asking the county highways to check that one. 

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