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Sunday, 16 August 2015

Draining away, and fencing about, at Heathfield and Pepperslade

I was out and about in Heathfield and Pepperslade last week, and residents pointed out the storm drains at the entrance to Pepperslade which have silted up. I'm pleased that the county highways team responded and inspected them and are making arrengements to jet them out before winter comes. 

Heathfield residents are concerned that the travellers currently laid up at the triangle at Pampisford near Sawston could head for the open spaces that are in the estate, including the bit on the entrance where developrs hope to squeeze in two houses - and which we have long tried to fight off. 

The challenge as always is that you cannot fence of every bit of open space unless you want to make the place look like a fortress, never mind the costs. But the lengthy process that involves
the courts in moving travellers on where they are unlawfully trespassing does make people think about pursuing this option.

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