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Tuesday 16 June 2015

The Wych dip at Babraham and other local highways issues.

Had a good meeting early this morning at the Whittlesford depot of the Cambridgeshire County Highways department. We covered a range of local issues that parish councils and residents have asked me to take action on. 
I'll be reporting back to the various parish councils and not everything had a successful outcome, but was good to reach agreement on some key concerns that will now be tackled.
Points included cycle ways and pathways that need resurfacing and improving before the winter, riparian responsibilities for clearing out flood ditches, village signs, a fence that has been put up and blocks a BT manhole, HGV problems, 20 mph zones. Also the road safety improvements that the county has put in at various places locally such as the speed signs below.
It was good to hear that the "Wytch" dip on the road to Babraham off the A505 is going to be tackled, as that can offer some serious water-planing opportunities in the winter after heavy rain. 
I'll try to find the pic I took one night heading to a Parish Council meeting - looked like something out of "the legend of sleepy hollow" 

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