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Friday 27 February 2015

Safer sidewalks in Pampisford

Unfortunately Pampisford Parish Council's bid to the Minor Highways Improvements fund run by the county council was unsuccessful. The bid was to extend a pavement further up Brewery Road so that people are not having to cross the road to pick up the pavement on the other side so close to the junction.
 We met this morning by the side of Brewery Road along with the County Highways manager to assess what could be done. This is near the junction where the White Horse pub used to stand (ie the Sawston end) and vehicles coming into Brewery Road come round the sharp corner quickly and with no visbility of what could be facing them. In other words, you can look right and left and right again, as the old kerb-drill used to go, step out into Brewery Road to cross it, and find a van very quickly coming at you that wasnt there a few seconds ago. 
The problem is for children walking from Pampisford to Sawston Village College as well as pedestrians generally. If the pavement ran a bit further up - another ten metres is all that is needed it would be a lot safer. So a small project, backed by the county highways engineers, but not marked high enough by the selection panel. 
The parish want to try again next year, and the planning to succeed starts here.

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