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Tuesday 3 February 2015

joining up the dots to fix a broken down stile at Whittlesford

Here's a stile that has collapsed and local people want it put back together. But whose is it? 
Much of what I do - and other councillors too, I suspect - is about making connections between local people and the different layers and parts of local government, as well as various public bodies such as the police, health service, Environment Agency to name but a few. 
Often the responsibilities are blurred, or there are other priorities - and most people accept that it isnt practical for everything to be done all at once.
However, what would help is if the data about who owns land was more readily available and shared. The county land and rights of way data doesn't seem to be accessible by the planning department at the district council. Coming back to this forlorn little stile, In this case the Ramblers Association appears to be offering some financial support for these sorts of projects.
Other similar issues - the path near the church needs resurfacing, there is uncertainty about a right of way at Mill Lane, and there is an area at Newton Road being offered as a play site: in all three cases the land ownership again needs checking before anything else can happen.

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