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Tuesday 3 February 2015

Ickleton accident audit shows speed signs need separating

Not a tongue-twister, but the result of an inspection at Ickleton by the highways team at Cambridgeshire County Council. This was carried out following concerns from local residents that one of the traffic calming installations placed at either end of the village - in this case the road from Duxford into Ickleton - was actually dangerous.
This came up at the parish council meeting in January. Highways carried out a safety audit and agreed that basically the signs are too close together and therefore actually make it difficult to see what it is motorists are being warned of. As a result, drivers not familiar with the changes find the traffic calming "blob" sticking out in the road comes up too quickly. There are reported to have been several near misses. 
I'm pleased that  highways have looked into this as their initial response was more along the lines of people shouldn't drive so fast - which is entirely true - but seems a bit ironic if a safety measure ithen becomes the potential cause of an accident.
11, West End, Whittlesford, Cambridgeshire, CB224LX

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