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Thursday 22 January 2015

That Hinxton ford feeling...

The county council is really annoying people who want to cross between Duxford and Hinxton via the ford road and who can't because the huge gates installed without consultation two years ago are kept locked. 
Cyclists and pedestrians were promised that there would be access over the ford using the sturdy footbridge. Work agreed in the summer to remove various posts and put in a proper path (agreed by a highways officer who then left!) has still not been done, despite chasing. People can walk round the various posts in the road but this is what it looked like a month or so back and is even worse now. 
More importantly, despite v little rain, the gates are kept locked for weeks at a time. The county cite health and safety, and it is true that unwitting strangers to these lands do get their vehicles stuck in the ford (Tesco, in Nov for example). But tht is no reason to just keep the gates continually locked. And I will be making these points again to the county until we get a better service for both villages.

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