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Saturday 17 January 2015

A long and winding road from Babraham to Sawston - but is it safe?

This is the start of the path from Babraham to Sawston which runs alongside the main road and which Babraham children attending Sawston Village College use to cycle or walk to school. 
It has long been argued by Babraham people that the route is too far, especially in winter, especially if the conditions are icy. There is no school bus because the distance is within the county limit for not having to provide transport. But it is certainly a very long trek across the fields and into Sawston and across to the college.
The county's road safety officer has now queried whether the route is in fact safe. This came up at an audit meeting about transport to school costs that I attended today. It's surprising what you learn. So we will be taking a close look at the outcome of this assessment and any possible implications for Babraham families. 

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