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Thursday 22 January 2015

Cycling around Whittlesford

I had a meeting with the cycling team at the County to explore possibilities on the back of the City Deal funding that is being broadly agreed at the end of this month. 
We looked at various options, all for the longer term, but also the possibility of this year putting a cycle path along Duxford Road in Whittlesford to make it safer for people cycling to the station, and also for families going the other way to the village school and shop and playing fields. There is quite a flow of youngsters heading that way at ten to nine each school morning. The plan would be to use the existing not very good footpath and some of the wide grass verge to create a wider cyclable path, with room for pedestrians too. Obviously this would be discussed with the parish council and local residents to seek their views. 
The other emerging news is that work next year to strengthen the road bridge cCarrying the A505 over the rail line at the station will provide the opportunity for a better footbridge with a gully for pushing bikes over rather than, as at present, having to physically lift and carry them. 

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