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Saturday 24 January 2015

Disappointment for Ickleton 20 mph zone bid

I'm disappointed for Ickleton not to have been successful in their bid for County Council funding for a 20mph zone covering most of the village.
Tthe parish council had done a great deal of work over the year gathering data on traffic speeds and potential areas to cover - even taking into account highways officer advice about in which areas where it wouldn't work. 
On the day the panel deciding which village bids were successful were interested in the proposal but it didn't get into the green zone - the bid is second reserve for the year ahead, so there is still a possibility.
The frustration for the village is that such schemes are going ahead in Cambridge itself but the villages in the county seem to be finding it harder. Of course the village could fund the work entirely itself but a small village can't afford it. 
There is a debate about whether 20mph zones are effective or not and there probably needs to be a longer period of monitoring and evaluation. This isn't finished business. 

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