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Tuesday 14 October 2014

Whittlesford Parish Council meeting - street lighting and road safety the key issues

Here is my October report to Whittlesford Parish Council this evening
Street lighting
Balfour Beatty work removing lampposts and replacing lampposts begins in November. 
The lampposts on the list I have been sent are in Ascham Lane, Scotts Gardens, Orchard Terrace, Vicarage Lane, West End, Station Road, Duxford Road, Mill Lane, Farm Rise, Maynards, Lawn. I suggest an article goes into Look on behalf of the parish council which I am happy to write. 

Emergency planning
Sandbags - if the parish council can identify a garage to store them in, the district council will make a store of sandbags available for local use in flooding situations. 

The pressures on the district council re planning continue. Because the five year land  supply is not sufficient, the council would have to agree to speculative applications for developments of about 12+ houses outside village envelopes, with some commercial in the mix. 

The owners of the Station Rd scrapyard have put forward outline proposals to the SCDC planning officers as a pre-application and I had a discussion with the planning officers about this. More to come.
Tickell Arms - I spoke to Charles Swayne - the district planning enforcement officer - as to when he would be visiting the Tickell re the refused retrospective planning application for their kitchen. I will press him to carry that out so progress can be reported at November meeting. 

Solar farm planning application at land to east of Church Street at Thriplow - due for decision in November. 

Station - footpath to Duxford under A505 road bridge. The County will pay for the work on the station itself. There is a meeting arranged by the district planning officers this month about the footpath itself, to go around the Welch's site.

Recycling - the County Council review of recycling is still going on. It would be helpful if the parish could let me have any concerns re the Thriplow site so I can make our views known.

Duxford IWM are going to review their traffic plans after the queues from the most recent event. It was unusual in the 24,000 people attended on the Sunday - 10,000 people more than usual. 

The cabinet sited at the Scotts Gardens junction with the High Street is due to go live in Oct/November - you can tell when its live because it will be humming because of the air-conditioning. The whole village is then covered and it is up to householders to talk to their suppliers to buy a fibre-based package to take advantage of the faster times. 

The county and district councils budgets continue to be under severe pressure with significant savings required next year. I recommend the parish council thinks about this in the context of streetlighting and gritting for example. 

Village warden idea
The initial assessment is that Whittlesford has a good infrastructure of groups and people looking after vulnerable members of the community and the next step would be to validate that via a discussion with well-informed local people before deciding if there are any gaps that could be filled. 

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