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Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Good neighbours get down to work in Whittlesford

Residents of Whittlesford came together for a second Neighbourhood Plan workshop this evening, following up on the Sept meeting. This proved a more focussed event.

The work of the Neighbourhood Plan has been split into four groups: Environment, housing, transport and community.
A lively Q&A session started the proceedings, with people keen to understand how this work interfaces with the District Council's Local Plan which is still being examined by the Planning Inspector though at a very slow and frustrating pace for us all.
Discussion on the tables ranged from how to designate the recreation ground as part of the heritage of the village, to whether commercial premises might be moved to the extremities, to the recognition that the Whittlesford Bridge end of the settlement may be set to expand the most and yet has the fewest resources. 

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