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Thursday, 11 August 2016

Hinxton, Hexcel and highways working on HGV issue

I've posted about the problems in Hinxton with wayward satnav instructions that take HGVs through quite frankly impassable lanes in an attempt to get to the HExcel site at Duxford. I checked it myself on my satnav and it's a real issue - so while the lorry drivers might well attract the ire of residents as they try to back a behemoth out, churning the verges as they go, it is the technology that is at fault. 
Now Hinxton parish council, Cambs County highways and Hexcel themselves have worked together to get new signs produced at the right points on the road network, and which are easier to understand, the paperwork for the drivers is clear on directions, and the company has put up signs in the lorry yard. 
I'm at Hexcel next week to see how this is working out and what next steps might be needed.
I'm passing this approach on to other villages that may have the same issue: such as Fowlmere, where the war memorial was recently damaged by a lorry taking a sharp turn to reach a depot - again on a route that looks plausible on a satnav but not if you know the village.
As always, technology allied with a bit of local knowledge can solve a lot of problems. Plus a willingness to work together.

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