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Tuesday, 19 April 2016

developments at scale in Thriplow and at Whittlesford Station - community engagement?

The possibility of new housing at Middle St, Thriplow is emerging, although the developers have yet to come forward to engage in pre-application consultation with the community. This could be a development on a bigger scale than the last sizaeble build in the village, Pigeon's Close. One issue must be the impact on traffic in Middle St, but at the moment there is no information of any detail.

Meanwhile in Whittlesford the developers looking to build on the old scrapyard at the end of Station Road are pleading poverty and that they cannot give affordable houses, nor community open space on the site. Given the impact of the numbers of houses this is not acceptable, although their claims have been subject to an independent assessment that seems to say that the cost of clearing out the yard is very high.

The impact on William Westley School in particular will be significant, but equally, the need for play areas at that end  of the village is pressing given the growing number of families who will  be living at that end of the village. 
I am talking to the district council planners about both emerging developments and to the county about roads and schools and how they will cope.

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