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Tuesday 17 November 2015

A spot of winter stop unlawful occupancy of land by travellers

I'm pleased to report that the county council has gone ahead with ploughing a strip round the land at Pampisford. The cost was a few hundred pounds and there had to be checks on underground cables. This land had been unlawfully occupied by travellers three times over the summer in a game of cat and mouse that saw the caravans move from one end of the Sawston bypass to the other each time an injunction to move was served and the bailiffs called
The ploughed land makes it more difficult to get a caravan into the field and also demonstrates - if it comes to it - that any future unlawful occupation has deliberately flouted the earlier notice to quit.
Some people have said the travellers were not doing any harm and to be fair the site was being kept reasonably tidy. 
It isn't pretty but there were real concerns this could become a winter encampment after the numbers of caravans rose from an initial three to nine in the weeks before the last intervention by the county's bailiffs. 

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