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Sunday 18 October 2015

Traffic in Whittlesford - lots of views

Early in November Parish Councils across Cambridgeshire have the chance to put in bids to the County Council for small schemes to improve road safety and address traffic issues. They can be straightforward proposals for zebra crossings, changes to speed limits, or moving speed limits, to ambitious shcmes like re-arrnaging a junction as at the Hildersham cross roads or making the centre of a village a 20mph zone. Thee council then forms a panel of councillors - aided by highways engineers giving advice - to score the schemes. The parish council has to be willing to match fund the proposal by at least 10% of the costs, and preferaby more.
In recent years Whittlesford has secured successful bids that have seen improvements to road safety including along Newton Road, and at the zebra crossing on Duxford Road. 
There has always been a good deal of debate about the Guildhall corner at the centre of the village - about the speed of traffic coming through, and the blind corner which makes access turning out from the High St and Church Lane dangerous. The county council continues to oppose mirrors, and in the past has said that speed bumps would be very expensive. Speed bumps have become less common in recent years, not least because of the noise they create as vehicles "bump" over them. In recent weeks the speeds coming in to corner have been monitored and the information is quite revealing - most vehicles are doing 30mph, a few slightly over, but it isnt the case that people are tearing along at reckless illegal speeds. But at the same time local residents say it is a dangerous corner and something needs to be done. If you on Facebook and want to see some of the discussion go to the Whittlesford PC page. There is also a seperate petition in the village shop.  
The parish council has voted to put a bid forward seeking a solution, rather than saying this is what we want done. The panel meets in early 2016 and any work done will be during next year. 

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