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Friday 9 October 2015

On the road to Duxford

Had a sensible discussion at the always welcoming Whittlesford Bridge highways depot regarding some Duxford traffic issues raised at the parish council the evening before.
The plans to resurface Liberty Lane are going ahead, and the budget is secured, but it will be early next year. After the parish council asked if other lanes nearby might be dressed - I'm pleased that Polecat Lane will also be done at the same time. The key thing to get right is protecting the very old wall running alongside which doesnt have much foundations. That's why the plan is to deploy micro-asphalting which will give a better finish and do less harm to the wall. 
We talked through the concerns raised by the parish council about the junction of Green Lane and St Johns Street, in the centre of the village. The junction is at the left of this pic behind the hedge. I think there may have to be a site meeting to see what can be done, but the county council highways view is against a mirror or a change to the junction, as their view is that if the hedge was lower then visibility would be improved. 
The MacDonalds roundabout flooding is on the list of drain problems to be tackled and I've asked the highways to move it up. We also discussed flooding in Mangers Lane in the village, where we may need to take a similar approach to Bustler's Rise, which we got the county to remove huge amounts of silt from a large soak away. 
Finally, talked through Hunts Road and Moorfield Road and which is the priority in terms of changing the speed limit to establish a buffer of 40mph to slow traffic down before getting to the 30mph zone at the centre of the village. 
So not agreement on everything but a dialogue.


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