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Friday 9 October 2015

Bit of a frost for people expecting warmer homes!

It has been said that the Green Deal was always a brilliant idea but the execution of it was questionable. Britain's housing stock is lamentably insulated - it is a waste of money if the heat you pump into your house has no effect because the insulation isn't there to retain it. 
Now a firm which has been installing solid wall insulation into people's homes across Cambridgeshire has collapsed with some the projects yet to be finished. I spoke to a local resident last night who is in the position of having paid a deposit and she was understandably worried and not happy that a scheme that seemed to be backed by DECC (Dept of Energy and Climate Change) and all the local authorities in Cambridgeshire had left her and people she know in this position.
The scheme provided grants to households in the county to install home energy efficiency improvement - such as solid wall insulation - in their homes.
Buut I know that officers from the local authorities are working hard to find a solution. I spoke to officers yesterday and am having another meeting today and there is hope that the local sub-contractors who actually do the work can pull the rabbit out of the hat and put things right, and no-one will lose out. 

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