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Friday 12 December 2014

Funding available for community transport schemes

£8,500 of grant funding has been announced to support community transport services in South Cambridgeshire, and applicants have until 19 January to apply.

South Cambridgeshire District Council’s service support grant scheme welcomes applications from local communities and community transport schemes which provide a lifeline to local people who may feel isolated due to a lack of public transport.

The district benefits from a range of community transport services from larger operators like Cambridge Dial-a-Ride, Royston and District Community Transport and 3CT, as well as 27 community car schemes which rely on small teams of volunteers.

The fund is aimed at supporting both new and existing services and activities to help local people get out and about – whether they’re going shopping, to a GP or hospital appointments or simply meeting up with friends.

Applicants can apply for up to £8,500, with funding available for capital or revenue purposes to support completely new projects, or improve existing services.

More information about the fund, details of the eligibility criteria and how to apply are at:

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