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Monday 10 November 2014

Ickleton streetlights

I met with mMembers of Ickleton parish council and the liaison manager from Balfour Beatty this morning and we had an early walk around the village to resolve some problems about the siting of the replacement lamp posts. It was very helpful to have the local knowledge and detail provided by the parish council. Like pointing out that this new post had been installed in trees, which defeats the purpose, and posts put in too far acorss the pavement itself.
 The problem with the roll-out of the changes to the lights is that it is happening too quickly. This means there is little or no time to feed in local views that will improve what residents will have to live with for years. The good thing is that BB took plenty of notes and arranged to have the design team back at base re-assess certain lights. So a useful session and Ickleton looked amazing in the early morning sun. 
Oh, and we saw the real-time electronic bus signs going in at Frogge Street so that was encouraging. 

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