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Saturday 4 October 2014

the busy, busy roads round here

A lot of time is spent at parish councils echoing local residents' concerns about traffic and

trying to find ways of making our main roads safer, particularly the A505 which runs through this part of south Cambridgeshire, east to west, and which is the busiest single-lane A road in the county.
As a result I spend a lot of time with the county council highways teams seeing what can be done, especially challenging because roadworks are so expensive and budgets are so tight. Here are three that we are currently looking at:
- Chrishall parish council have asked me to see if anything can be done to make the turn-offs off the A505 near Thriplow Heath any safer;
- Little Abington are trying to have signs put up at the Bourn Bridge Rd junction of the old A11 showing this is where to turn off for the International School - this is taking far too long;
- Babraham are concerned about the roundabout at the A1307 near the Institute where the road surface seems to cause skidding and the direction areas cause confusion.
This is on top of the bids for road safety schemes put in by many parish councils to the County. 

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