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Wednesday 24 September 2014

Right then - where do you want your cabinet?

I have had some questions about the siting of the superfast broadband junction boxes - not everyone wants one outside their house - though you willl get very very fast broadband if it is! Two villages have asked me to look into this. 

Turns out that BT Openreach do have the legal right to place cabinets on the public highway and since 2012 they don't need planning permission or formal consultation even in a conservation area.


Where the cabinet goes is based on issues including access to power, avoiding underground services, distance from edge of the footway,  etc. Where possible, the surveyors avoid the cabinet being in the line of sight of a local resident’s front windows, and ensure that the cabinet cannot be used as a stepping stone to access a property.  I have asked in one case for the surveyors to think again and they have agreed to do that. 

If there are other concerns then please get in touch. 

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